by Amber Keirn | Feb 26, 2021 | Holistic Journey, Practitioners
Essential Oils and specific techniques in applying them can make a drastic difference in managing health challenges and body function. I incorporate essential oils and healing crystal work into just about every session. I would like to explain how the two techniques I offer can benefit you.
by Carolyn Jones | Feb 26, 2021 | Holistic Journey
These are tips that have allowed me to manage my stress and live from a better overall space of wellbeing through the years. I hope they help you too.
by Linde Mills | Dec 1, 2020 | Holistic Journey
As we march diligently towards the end of 2020, we are constantly reminded that we need to practice self-care. For some of us, this year has been a difficult one; spiritually, physically, energetically, and emotionally. We are emptying our cups at an alarming rate. ...
by Linde Mills | Aug 31, 2020 | Holistic Journey
Transformation takes not only work, but acknowledgement that the world is changing, that it must change. You have the power to look at things from a new perspective, and to make a choice to be part of a positive outcome with grit and grace.
by Kelley Walters Rebori | Apr 8, 2020 | Holistic Journey
Every month over the last year, when I looked at the energy for the next 30 days, I thought, “It can’t keep ramping up – at some point, it has to break, right?” Looking back, I can see that the ever-increasing intensity was leading us somewhere: to a global awakening disguised as a global pandemic.
by Holistic Institute of Wellness | Mar 23, 2020 | Holistic Journey
Learning about your energy system and practicing our simple techniques can help you stay healthy, balanced and protected, so you can shine your light in the world. If you have not already downloaded the guide and would like to do so, please fill in the form below....