
Answering the Call

I’m Kandi Leigh, a newly minted Reiki Master Teacher answering the call through the Holistic Institute of Wellness. In 2017, I was ready to reconnect to the healing energy. I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing. I thought I was getting help to understand and heal my relationship issues. The life I had been building for the past 12 years was unraveling and I was quickly walking through a spiritual awakening. I knew I needed help staying balanced and grounded, so when Carolyn A. Jones, HIW co-founder and my RMT practitioner, suggested I get a re-attunement, I listened. 

I was first exposed to Reiki almost 30 years ago. I didn’t really understand the energy; I just knew that it felt good running through my body, and I felt connected to it. So, at 15 years old, I took a Reiki I class. I was also starting high school and growing up with deep abandonment wounds. Instead of staying connected to Reiki, I embarked on the journey of learning who I am not. 

Healing from the Outside-In Part 5: Physical Wellness

Welcome to the last installment (part 5) of our 5-part series, ‘Healing from the Outside In.’ Today we are discussing the physical layer. Physical wellness is directly related to your Etheric Layer (or physical layer) as it is the aura closest to the physical body, creating a bridge from the physical body to your higher energy body. It is connected to your Base (root) Chakra.