
Ancient Healers

I grew up in a house full of stones and crystals. My mom was always collecting them and I remember at a very young age traveling to Franklin, North Carolina, to attend the gem shows that still occur today. I didn’t really know that much about them, other than they were all unique in their shape and color. 

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Sarah Quits the Addiction to Her Story

As many others before her, Sarah Maslia Galambos’ journey into Reiki manifested after a difficult life experience forced her to take a soul-searching look at her life and where she was going. A divorce after a 20-year marriage left her with fresh wounds as she carried the toxic burdens of shame, self-doubt and victimhood.

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The Importance of Movement

Growing up as a natural athlete, I learned at a very young age how important it was to move my body. That realization has followed me through my life to this day. In my thirties, I was a personal trainer assisting individuals and educating them on the importance of movement and how our minds and bodies are connected.

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