Welcome New Reiki Masters
Please join Jana and I in congratulating these beautiful Reiki Masters on their completion of a year long journey. We had a fun, adventurous graduation retreat. We were blessed with rain and sunshine. We laughed, we cried and most importantly we made room inside...
Jana’s Journey to Shamanism
Shamans are the caretakers, the guardians, the stewards of Mother Earth. They are aware of our symbiotic relationship with the planet, and they see humans as miniature versions of Her. So, they draw on the earth’s power to help them during healings, which cover all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Stones and Shamanism
I believe there are titanic, I might even say “volcanic,” shifts taking place in the psyche of humanity. Many people are looking for spirituality in different directions than before. People are looking for a new way of being and are turning toward the ancient wisdom and knowledge of traditional, indigenous peoples. The customs, rituals and ceremonies of these peoples and tribes show their understanding of our world.
Healing from the Outside-In Part 5: Physical Wellness
Welcome to the last installment (part 5) of our 5-part series, ‘Healing from the Outside In.’ Today we are discussing the physical layer. Physical wellness is directly related to your Etheric Layer (or physical layer) as it is the aura closest to the physical body, creating a bridge from the physical body to your higher energy body. It is connected to your Base (root) Chakra.
Stones for Physical Wellness
Sleep & the Immune System appeared to be the most relevant for helping with physical wellness. Many stones can aid, boost, and strengthen the immune system and help with insomnia, and/or exhaustion!
Stones for Mental Wellness
It was fascinating this month looking at Mental Wellness. After looking up many stones and crystals and their myriad properties, I decided I could only approach this from my own journey.