Reflections on 2021
As we reflect on this last year, we’d like to start off by thanking everyone for their ongoing support. We have been tremendously blessed by our clients and classes. Our Reiki classes were in high demand this year, so much so we created more to meet the demand. Many beautiful souls walked through our door this year. We are so grateful for our Reiki program. It is our flagship program and it thrills us to see so many more people becoming interested in Reiki and joining our community. People are awakening more and more and being drawn to the energy, looking for healing of themselves. We have a full schedule of classes coming in 2022 for all those interested.
One thing that sets us apart in the marketplace with our Reiki training is that our students have the opportunity to join our monthly community meeting and private Facebook group for ongoing support and learning with other like-minded souls.
We also had an awesome Reiki Master retreat where we all had opportunities to own our mastery more fully. So proud of everyone that stepped into their next level of mastery. It was so exciting and such an honor to witness their journey.
Jana has been super busy this year as she created her own version of Shamanism with a modern twist. These classes have been created from years of personal research and experience. She offers meditational journeys from the Egyptian, Native American and Galactic influences. She grafts the new consciousness onto the old roots of these ancient practices. We will be running those classes next as well with more updated information.
As sound frequency is one of her biggest passions and one of the most healing and clearing methods available, Jana opened up a sound healing room in which she is offering weekly sound sessions. She has created this beautiful sacred space filled with love and vibration.
We both had the opportunity to officiate two weddings this year. Such honor and fun to participate in a sacred ceremony witnessing the beautiful union of two people so meant for each other.
We also added additional training for ourselves which is allowing us to implement new knowledge into our ongoing services and begin the creation of new classes.
On a personal note, we enjoyed the beach, camping in the mountains and many fun connections on the lake which always allows us to connect with Mother Nature in a deeper way.
Energetically this year required us to be flexible and go with the flow. We also had to up our self-care to keep up with our output. We feel this theme will continue into 2022. On a collective level, the planets are supporting a theme of attachment, non-attachment, surrender and flow. So the question is how do we all handle the uncertainty that is being presented as we continue to ride the waves of change? Start by creating a morning ritual, practice gratitude, stay in your center and most importantly honor yourself. Try to find the gift in every situation as we continue to ride the waves of change together. Above all of the chaos know that these are exciting times we are living in with an incredible opportunity. It’s right in front of us. We just have to open our eyes and be willing to see it.
♥ Carolyn & Jana
See the full discussion on 2021 reflections below!