
The Power of Community

This is no ordinary fire pit; instead, it’s more like a fire amphitheater. It has been affectionately dubbed a Soul Fire by one of our community members, Barry Richmond. Barry envisioned a sacred space where we could gather to sing songs, play drums or sit under the stars and listen quietly to the crackling fire.

Green Living from the Inside Out

Everything is connected, even you and me, on a collective global level. What I do affects you and what you do affects me. We constantly put ripples into the Universe and those ripples — good or bad, positive or negative — affect all those around us…

Ancient Healers

I grew up in a house full of stones and crystals. My mom was always collecting them and I remember at a very young age traveling to Franklin, North Carolina, to attend the gem shows that still occur today. I didn’t really know that much about them, other than they were all unique in their shape and color. 

Happy Feet

I have never knew there was so much power in the feet up until a few years ago when I had my first reflexology experience with our community member and Reflexologist, Carrie Wagner.

Being Present by Moving Beyond the Past

The past, we all have one. It shapes us, forms our character and most often makes us stronger. Often times however, we get stuck in the past whether it be longing for the days of yesteryear or simply fixated on the things that have happened to us or perhaps the mistakes we’ve made or people we’ve unintentionally hurt.