
Reflections on the Year

As we reflect on this last year, we’d like to start off by thanking everyone for their ongoing support. We have been tremendously blessed by our clients and classes. Energetically this year required us to be flexible and go with the flow. We also had to up our self-care to keep up with our output. Above all of the chaos know that these are exciting times we are living in with incredible opportunities. It’s right in front of us. We just have to open our eyes and be willing to see it.

Welcome New Reiki Masters

Please join Jana and I in congratulating these beautiful Reiki Masters on their completion of a year long journey. We had a fun, adventurous graduation retreat. We were blessed with rain and sunshine. We laughed, we cried and most importantly we made room inside...

Health & Wellness Update 3.16.20

We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Rise above the fear and chaos. Stay informed, educate yourself, think for yourself and follow your heart. This is a time to wake up to the truth – the truth of who we are and the world around us.