by Linde Mills | May 17, 2019 | Partners
With dark nights come deep blessings. Acutely haunting emotional and physical experiences can have an effect on the human psyche where ‘soft nudges’ fail. Gentle pushes often given to you by your higher self to let you know you need to be traveling a different path are often ignored, leaving them no choice but to shake you at your core so you may open your eyes to the opportunities that have been on standby.
by Carolyn Jones | May 14, 2019 | Holistic Journey
Intuition. It’s a gift we all have. But real gift isn’t the intuition, itself. It’s what happens when we follow it.
by Linde Mills | Feb 12, 2019 | Partners
We work hard to create the ideal life that we think should be lived. It’s in our nature, it’s in our core, it is who we have grown into. But what happens when you question why you have put in all the hard work to see that perfect world flourish and bloom? Although...
by Linde Mills | Jan 7, 2019 | Partners
Many of us long for confirmation, of knowledge of the existence of the beyond. Why are we here, what is our purpose, what happens later? At a young age, Becky (Maze) Jones had a surgery that caused her heart to stop beating, lifting the veil between two worlds and...