
Jennifer Stone Fortifies Her Belief System

From a young age, Jennifer Stone knew she was different and wasn’t afraid to acknowledge it even as far back as age 8. Like many of us, she was raised in a religious family and as a devout Catholic, her parents were determined for their children to follow their belief...

The Self-Improvement Journey

We talk a lot in our posts about the importance of clearing out old belief structures, patterns, conditioning and the like and although all of those lend to self-improvement and ultimately boosting your happiness, there’s more.

Happy Feet

I have never knew there was so much power in the feet up until a few years ago when I had my first reflexology experience with our community member and Reflexologist, Carrie Wagner.

Brittany Childs Owns Her Road and Opens Doors

Brittany Childs, Certified LifeWorks Coach and Reiki Master, says that too many times we find ourselves pressured to find our purpose.  Sometimes this pressure makes that journey seem too big to fulfill.  She herself has had the experience of letting old beliefs dictate her current direction.  From struggling to open her doors to the right people to allowing guidance so she could believe in herself and become the true and authentic person she is today, Brittany has the experience to become your Reiki Sherpa.