by Janet Edkins | Feb 27, 2022 | Stone of the Month
Citrine – A powerful cleanser and regenerator. Carrying the power of the sun. It is warming, energizing, and highly creative. Energizes every level of life. Known to activate the Crown chakra and open the intuition.
by Janet Edkins | Jan 28, 2022 | Stone of the Month
My “service” this month is to tell you about Agates, yes plural. Agates are one of the most abundant kinds of stone on Gaia. “Microscopic crystals of quartz laid down in bands, very stable.” They come in clear or milky white, gray, blue, green, pink, brown, orange, banded, and – beware – often dyed. If it looks too good, bright, perfect! Many have individual names and properties like Blue Lace, Botswana, Fire, Moss, Dendritic, and more. There’s one for every step of the way.
by Janet Edkins | Jan 4, 2022 | Stone of the Month
Releasing Expectations – “As with every new year, we want to discuss setting intentions, however, as the energy in 2022 will be moving quickly, we want to stress: going with the flow, accepting outcomes and adapting will be beneficial.”
by Carolyn Jones | Nov 29, 2021 | Holistic Journey, News
Holistic Institute of Wellness is a beautiful representation of both feminine and masculine energies. It was birthed out of our combined passion for changing the world one life at a time. We enjoy watching that life ripple its energy out into a bigger expression of itself sometimes much larger than was imagined. It is a sacred container of love, safe space, evolution, growth, self-empowerment and expansion for our clients and students.
by Carolyn Jones | Nov 29, 2021 | Holistic Journey
As we reflect on this last year, we’d like to start off by thanking everyone for their ongoing support. We have been tremendously blessed by our clients and classes. Energetically this year required us to be flexible and go with the flow. We also had to up our self-care to keep up with our output. Above all of the chaos know that these are exciting times we are living in with incredible opportunities. It’s right in front of us. We just have to open our eyes and be willing to see it.