
Stone of the Month May 2022 – Sugilite

This month’s topic poses an interesting question and a good one for me – do I need to shift? Do I need to re-evaluate or re-think? Do I really KNOW my purpose? If you too are looking for assistance in the whole “Your Purpose” thing, may I introduce you to: Sugilite – “Teaches us how to live from our truth. Reminds our soul of its reason for our current incarnation. Inspires spiritual awareness. Helps us to answer those major life questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What else do I need to understand?  One of the major “love stones” it emanates the beautiful “purple ray energy” too.

Stone of the Month April 2022 – Kyanite

Kyanite is excellent for attunement and meditation as well as a powerful beacon and amplifier of high vibrations. Kyanite connects to spirit guides and raises compassion while cutting through ignorance, allowing for spiritual and psychological truth. It also aids intuition and the manifestation of spiritual energies.

Stone of the Month February 2022 – Agates

My “service” this month is to tell you about Agates, yes plural. Agates are one of the most abundant kinds of stone on Gaia. “Microscopic crystals of quartz laid down in bands, very stable.” They come in clear or milky white, gray, blue, green, pink, brown, orange, banded, and – beware – often dyed. If it looks too good, bright, perfect! Many have individual names and properties like Blue Lace, Botswana, Fire, Moss, Dendritic, and more. There’s one for every step of the way.

Stones for Reflection and Meditation

May I introduce you to the Stone of the Month Blue Chalcedony – “Soothing, calming, great for promoting a sense of peace and joy, imparting more joy into one’s life centered around service to others. Opens the mind to take in new ideas and situations. Gives a feeling of lightheartedness and the ability to look forward optimistically. Absorbs negativity and promotes harmonious emotions. Has a special connection with the Angelic Realm. Carry when in need of relief from depression or an immune system boost. As a member of the quartz family, it can cleanse, heal & balance, and relieve negative emotions.