May 2021 – Stones for Spiritual Wellness
Quartz Can Aid With Spiritual Wellness Working on Spiritual Wellness encompasses quite a few things for me, I call it/them “Working on Myself.” In no particular order: Sitting with my emotions. Being truthful with myself about them. Taking responsibility. Seeking...
Emily Maggard Goes Beyond Her Beliefs
The overwhelming darkness of depression combined with the stranglehold of self-destructive behavior is not something everyone overcomes. To overcome and then embrace a parallel, enlightened version of yourself with a full and shining heart is an experience even less embrace. To overcome, embrace and then become an empathetic, guiding inspiration to others, you enter an even more elite, smaller group. But this is exactly what Emily Maggard has done.
Building Edible Landscapes for the Future of New Earth
If each person could grow just a portion of their own food, imagine the impact it would have on our world and food security. Imagine also you, yourself walking out into your garden each day and greeting the plants and seeing what growth took place overnight.
April 2021 – Stones for Connecting with Our Earth
Building a Positive Relationship with the Earth with the Help of Stones How many of us live our lives in unawareness of the gifts of Gaia, or the understanding that she is a Living Organism? I know until I began my journey with stones and crystals, I took the earth...
AromaTouch and Symphony of the Cells – Essential Oils Techniques for Balance and Health Challenges
Essential Oils and specific techniques in applying them can make a drastic difference in managing health challenges and body function. I incorporate essential oils and healing crystal work into just about every session. I would like to explain how the two techniques I offer can benefit you.
March 2021 – Stones for Mindfulness
Many stones help with many things and to me mindfulness, actually the lack thereof, can be caused by so many things. Rather than focus on promoting or gaining mindfulness, I thought I would scribble today about all the stones that can help with the myriad things that get in the (my) way. Such as, being scattered or distracted. Mind chatter and negative thoughts.