Join the Holistic Wellness Revolution!
Well, ask a question and the Universe provides! Through a series of synchronistic events, we are in the midst of creating an online membership where you will have access to tools, videos, Power Resets, meditations and much more each month.
Stone of the Month July 2022 – Garnet
Mid-Year Energy Tune-Up -Do you need one? I know I probably do. It’s been a doozy of a year so far energetically speaking. Gosh between, solar flares, Lunar & Solar Eclipses, date portals, planetary alignments, conjunctions, squares, etc., and the Summer Solstice here in the northern hemisphere – phewee!
July 2022 Tarot Reading – Ten of Pentacles
The Ten of Pentacles deals with permanence and satisfaction. The card shows that everything you have put your efforts into for a long time will pay off in the future.
June 2022 Tarot Reading – Ace of Wands
Wands symbolize creativity, and the Ace of Wands is the boldest among the cards in the suit. It is not the kind of creativity that you learn from school or as a hobby.
Roasted Veggie Soft Tacos
Roasted cauliflower with chickpeas, lime red cabbage and avocado sauce are a tasty treat for any occasion. Slaw 2 c. red cabbage 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 lime - juiced 1 tsp honey or sugar 1/4 tsp. salt Slice the red cabbage thinly (I use more than 2 cups because...
Stone of the Month June 2022 – Mangano Calcite
Self-worth has been and continues to be, a journey. An odyssey of shedding layers of old thought habits, taking off layers of perceived “opinions,” and dropping old ideas of “that (fill in the blank) isn’t available to or for me.”