
Emily Maggard Goes Beyond Her Beliefs

The overwhelming darkness of depression combined with the stranglehold of self-destructive behavior is not something everyone overcomes. To overcome and then embrace a parallel, enlightened version of yourself with a full and shining heart is an experience even less embrace. To overcome, embrace and then become an empathetic, guiding inspiration to others, you enter an even more elite, smaller group.  But this is exactly what Emily Maggard has done. 

Filling Your Cup, Don’t Forget the Lemons

As we march diligently towards the end of 2020, we are constantly reminded that we need to practice self-care.  For some of us, this year has been a difficult one; spiritually, physically, energetically, and emotionally.  We are emptying our cups at an alarming rate. ...

Reflecting on Change

Transformation takes not only work, but acknowledgement that the world is changing, that it must change.  You have the power to look at things from a new perspective, and to make a choice to be part of a positive outcome with grit and grace.

Health & Wellness Update 3.16.20

We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Rise above the fear and chaos. Stay informed, educate yourself, think for yourself and follow your heart. This is a time to wake up to the truth – the truth of who we are and the world around us.