
Green Living from the Inside Out

Everything is connected, even you and me, on a collective global level. What I do affects you and what you do affects me. We constantly put ripples into the Universe and those ripples — good or bad, positive or negative — affect all those around us…

Essential Oils by Carolyn & Jana

This month we wanted to share some of our essential oils with you and how we use them in our life and business. Essential oils provide a beautiful healing environment for the mind, the body and the soul. There are many oils out there so choosing the right ones are important.

Vibrational Healing

No matter who we, where we are, we truly are all affected by sound in one format or another. We are vibrational beings, living in an organic body, we will respond. It is my honor working with students and patients as they find their way back to their True center ….. their Soul signature.