by Linde Mills | Aug 31, 2020 | Holistic Journey
Transformation takes not only work, but acknowledgement that the world is changing, that it must change. You have the power to look at things from a new perspective, and to make a choice to be part of a positive outcome with grit and grace.
by Linde Mills | Aug 3, 2020 | Partners
Everyone experiences a sense of not belonging at some point in their lives. Imagine being a child with sensory gifts that most other people do not have. How would you express yourself? How frustrating would that be for you? Not only as a child, but as you grow older the repeated heartbreak of not being able to make people understand or believe you must be soul-draining.
by Janet Edkins | Jun 29, 2020 | Stone of the Month
Shells bring inner peace, aid intuition & imagination, and communication with spiritual masters. They also support liberation of your intuitive & artistic energy.
by Janet Edkins | Jun 8, 2020 | Stone of the Month
There are many ways to achieve being grounded, my ‘go to’ is always beautiful stones/crystals.
by Kelley Walters Rebori | Apr 8, 2020 | Holistic Journey
Every month over the last year, when I looked at the energy for the next 30 days, I thought, “It can’t keep ramping up – at some point, it has to break, right?” Looking back, I can see that the ever-increasing intensity was leading us somewhere: to a global awakening disguised as a global pandemic.