
Kathy Martin’s Creativity Opens the Door to the Light

Kathy Martin is no stranger to pain, but has found that when she uses the creative process she not only develops self-awareness through exploration of raw emotion, she also develops the clarity to address unresolved emotional conflicts.  Kathy has used her creative outlet to achieve personal well-being, protect her energy and improve her outlook on life.  

The Hero’s Journey of Bryan Tilghman

With dark nights come deep blessings.  Acutely haunting emotional and physical experiences can have an effect on the human psyche where ‘soft nudges’ fail.  Gentle pushes often given to you by your higher self to let you know you need to be traveling a different path are often ignored, leaving them no choice but to shake you at your core so you may open your eyes to the opportunities that have been on standby. 

April Learns Calm Among Chaos

Just before a tornado you might experience a calm, but as it nears, your eyes are opened to the unimaginable chaos gouging a path in the land it crosses, destroying everything that has the misfortune to be in the cross-hairs.  You can see pieces and parts of a home, cars, trees, maybe an occasional animal swirling around with their own stories to tell as they make their journey to a new use or decay depending on the extent of the destruction.

Darian Finds, and Honors, Her ‘Real Self’

We work hard to create the ideal life that we think should be lived.  It’s in our nature, it’s in our core, it is who we have grown into.  But what happens when you question why you have put in all the hard work to see that perfect world flourish and bloom?  Although...