
Stone of the Month October 2023 – Lapis Lazuli for Creativity

Lapis Lazuli – Stimulates personal & spiritual power, releases stress & brings deep peace. Harmonizes physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual levels bringing deep inner knowing. Revealing the inner truth and encourages self-awareness and self-expression. As a powerful thought amplifier, it can stimulate the higher faculties of the mind, bringing clarity & objectivity. All this strengthens creativity through attunement to source, confronting truth, freely expressing opinions, emotions, & thought forms.

Stone of the Month November 2022 – Pyrite (Iron)

Your energy is yours, yes you can let it flow freely through you but there may be times when others, knowingly or not, try to siphon your energy. It’s good to avoid this happening. I try to ‘just be,’ with my heart open and be free with my loving energy. I also try to make sure this is under my direction and that I’m shielded when necessary.