How to Protect Your Energy and Why
The last part of this month’s topic from HIW was a bit of a no-brainer for me but I realize maybe not for everyone! Your energy is yours, yes you can let it flow freely through you but there may be times when others, knowingly or not, try to siphon your energy. It’s good to avoid this happening. I try to ‘just be,’ with my heart open and be free with my loving energy. I also try to make sure this is under my direction and that I’m shielded when necessary.
There are some practical “how-tos” on this subject, which I’m sure my good friends over at HIW will explore in full for you. My general practice is to “zip up.” This is accomplished with a physical routine, which helps me cement my mental intentions. I try to make sure I do this before leaving home. It can also be achieved simply by setting the intention with an image of say a bubble.
Of course, my fallback position is always with crystals and stones. Wearing protective stones means I don’t have to worry if I’m too distracted or in too much of a hurry to zip-up, or if I find myself in an unexpected situation. More often than not you will see me wearing my favorite piece of Labradorite.
>> Get our Beginner’s Guide to Energy & Chakras
Fortunately, there’s a wonderful abundance of protective assistance for most of the circumstances we might encounter. I chose Pyrite because it is so versatile! One might say it’s a jack of all trades but that usually goes with “and master of none” and that does not apply to Iron Pyrite.
Pyrite – “is an excellent energy shield. Blocks negative energy and pollutants at all levels (inc. infectious dis-eases). Worn around the neck it protects all the subtle and physical bodies, deflecting harm and danger. Blocks energy leaks from the physical body and the aura. The stone holds the ideals of perfect health and wellbeing.”
Below is not an exhaustive list, these are my faves:
- Fire Agate – Strong protective function. Builds a protective shield, and returns harm to its source so the harm can be understood.
- Amethyst – Powerful & protective, high-vibration stone. Guards against psychic attack transmuting to love.
- Aquamarine – Shields the aura & aligns the chakras.
- Bloodstone – Excellent grounding and protecting stone, keeps out undesirable influences.
- Carnelian – Powerful emotional protector against envy, rage, & resentment, yours or other people’s.
- Chiastolite – Powerful protective stone wards off ill-wishing. Ancient talisman transmutes dissension into harmony. Dispels negative thoughts & feelings.
- Fluorite – Excellent psychic protection. Aids discernment of outside influences shuts off psychic manipulation & undue mental influence.
- Kunzite – Protective stone, has the power to dispel negativity. Shields the aura from unwanted energies providing a protective sheath around all bodies.
- Labradorite – Highly mystical & protective, bringer of light. Deflects unwanted energies from the aura & prevents energy leakage.
- Prehnite – A stone that enables you to be prepared, no matter what. Seals the auric field in a protective shield. Of divine energy.
- Tourmaline – Purifies & transforms dense energy into lighter vibrations. Forms a protective shield around the body.
- Turquoise – Protective stone used in amulets since time immemorial.
- Fire Agate
- Carnelian & Sunstone
- Flourite Octahedrons
- Labradorite – Blue Flash
- Black Tourmaline
A final thought. My guess is that if you are reading this you are already aware that you are a sensitive soul, and indeed that you are energy, as is everything around you. That energy deserves to be held safely, however that works for you.
With love & blessings. J
Beads of Light –
“Created with love, infused with energy”
All crystal information courtesy of Judy Hall.
Janet Edkins Creates – Beads of Light Collection.
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