
Navigating the Shift: Trust, Let Go, and Rise

We are at the end of a major cycle, what the Hindus refer to as the Yugas. We are literally in the midst of leaving behind darkness and chaos and evolving into something new. Our consciousness, along with our physical bodies, is shifting into a place we have not yet experienced. This transformation can feel unsettling, but it is also a time of great opportunity.

The Sun – April 2024 Tarot Reading

Having come out of the long dark contemplation of night and seen our way through many challenges, it is time that we come out into the sun. This tarot card represents that victory, that day in the sun.

The Knight of Swords – March 2024 Tarot Reading

When the Knight of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it is a sign that you are highly driven, ambitious and action-oriented. You are so highly motivated to succeed that you will stop at nothing to pursue your dreams. The challenges, difficulties and obstacles on the path ahead don’t faze you because you know where you want to go.

The Queen of Cups – February 2024 Tarot Reading

The Queen of Cups in Tarot stands for being loving, tenderhearted, intuitive, psychic, and spiritual. The Queen of Cups meaning in a Tarot card reading is a combination of the positive water energy of all Cups and the inward focus of a Queen.