by Carolyn Jones | Oct 25, 2022 | Good Food
Food is such a big part of our lives and what we put into our bodies really does matter. It can shape us, heal us or harm us. You’ve heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” Oftentimes, many of my clients and friends ask me to share my recipes so I thought I would start sharing some of my favorites here with you. I hope you try them out, add your own creative twist and enjoy them. Remember, food is meant to be savored.
For those cold winter evenings, this vegetarian chick pea pot pie is one of my all-time favorites and I love I can make the whole dish in my cast iron skillet.
by Kelly Pratt | Oct 25, 2022 | Tarot
Lightning is a fitting karmic payback for the guilt of those whose fortunes come from the exploitation or abuse of others. With the Tower card, think of yourself as an agent of transformation. This self-sacrificing role is likely to create stressful situations. Your vision shows you that a radical change has already been unleashed by forces much larger than mere people, and therefore you are no longer resisting. Acknowledge yourself, as well as the others in your life, who are offering their resources to usher in a better future.
by Carolyn Jones | Sep 25, 2022 | Good Food
This fall has been like a squash apocalypse. Not that I am complaining however it does call for some creativity. If you are a lover of butternut squash and want something warm and hearty as we move into the fall weather, I have the perfect recipe for you!
by Kelly Pratt | Sep 25, 2022 | Tarot
The Page of Cups suggests a new idea or opportunity has come to you out of the blue. Your creative energy is flowing, and now the question is how you will express it. Will you snap up this new idea and turn it into something, or will you let someone else bring it to fruition? It is up to you! Spend time exploring the idea to see if you want to move forward.
by Kelly Pratt | Sep 5, 2022 | Tarot
The Queen of Wands is often called the “witch of the Tarot deck.” This is because she represents the magic that can happen when you learn how to harness the energy of the universe and create a life that flows.