by Amber Keirn | Feb 26, 2021 | Holistic Journey, Practitioners
Essential Oils and specific techniques in applying them can make a drastic difference in managing health challenges and body function. I incorporate essential oils and healing crystal work into just about every session. I would like to explain how the two techniques I offer can benefit you.
by Linde Mills | Jul 9, 2019 | Partners
As time moves on and Amber engages more with her clients and her own path, she has realized that this holistic world has helped her to get past issues of fear and accept the gifts the universe has bestowed on her. She has been set free and shifts into a world that she claims as her own, taking up her space and owning her future.
by Carolyn Jones | May 6, 2018 | Holistic Journey
This month we wanted to share some of our essential oils with you and how we use them in our life and business. Essential oils provide a beautiful healing environment for the mind, the body and the soul. There are many oils out there so choosing the right ones are important.