by Janet Edkins | Jan 11, 2024 | Stone of the Month
I recently wrote about empathy “On the face of it, being able to feel and understand others’ emotions might seem like a good thing, this is the definition of empathy. It can also be a burden if we take on the emotions of others without some distance or detachment…”
by Janet Edkins | Jul 29, 2021 | Stone of the Month
It was fascinating this month looking at Mental Wellness. After looking up many stones and crystals and their myriad properties, I decided I could only approach this from my own journey.
by Janet Edkins | Feb 26, 2021 | Stone of the Month
Many stones help with many things and to me mindfulness, actually the lack thereof, can be caused by so many things. Rather than focus on promoting or gaining mindfulness, I thought I would scribble today about all the stones that can help with the myriad things that get in the (my) way. Such as, being scattered or distracted. Mind chatter and negative thoughts.