
May 2021 – Stones for Spiritual Wellness

Quartz Can Aid With Spiritual Wellness Working on Spiritual Wellness encompasses quite a few things for me, I call it/them “Working on Myself.” In no particular order: Sitting with my emotions. Being truthful with myself about them. Taking responsibility. Seeking...

March 2021 – Stones for Mindfulness

Many stones help with many things and to me mindfulness, actually the lack thereof, can be caused by so many things. Rather than focus on promoting or gaining mindfulness, I thought I would scribble today about all the stones that can help with the myriad things that get in the (my) way. Such as, being scattered or distracted. Mind chatter and negative thoughts.

February 2021 – Stones for Self-Care

Stones for Self-Care Stone of the Month: AGATE Agates, of all descriptions/stripes/colors/names all carry powerful but extremely gentle energies, they aid us in centering & balancing our emotional, physical, mental & intellectual, and spiritual bodies. My...

January 2021 – Stones for New Beginnings

New Beginnings! The Golden Age of Aquarius, and there are no doubt going to be moments of uncertainty, or feeling ungrounded or a little lost in the tumult. When I have times/days of being unsettled, I ask my Guides to help me choose a stone or crystal to sit with. One that will help me work with whatever I’m feeling/trying to work on. 

December 2020 – Stones for Finding Comfort and Solace

How to find comfort and solace when things seem so topsy-turvy, out of balance, possibly frightening? Adulting can be challenging if you don’t have your center – truly grounded and connected. Meditation is the daily practice I call upon; quiet time for me to be in contact with my Guides, Guardians and Angelic Team.