by Janet Edkins | Oct 25, 2022 | Stone of the Month
Your energy is yours, yes you can let it flow freely through you but there may be times when others, knowingly or not, try to siphon your energy. It’s good to avoid this happening. I try to ‘just be,’ with my heart open and be free with my loving energy. I also try to make sure this is under my direction and that I’m shielded when necessary.
by Janet Edkins | Sep 25, 2022 | Stone of the Month
Oh my, this topic resonates on so many levels for me. My own sacred space; I’m grateful I have that already. So how can you make sacred space for creativity? And something I think worth exploring, what is creativity?
by Janet Edkins | Sep 5, 2022 | Stone of the Month
Expanding your own awareness (cosmic or even just the everyday kind) can have its ups and downs. For me it has been exciting, sometimes confusing, and sometimes has taken weeks to integrate, absorb and then raise up to match the expansion.
by Carolyn Jones | Sep 5, 2022 | Holistic Journey, News
We are so excited about the amazing response we received from the Founding Member Launch for our new membership site Holistic Wellness Revolution. We are extremely grateful to all those that have joined our community for the journey ahead. If you are seeking more...
by Carolyn Jones | Jul 31, 2022 | Holistic Journey, News
By joining Holistic Wellness Revolution, you will have monthly support on your spiritual journey and have access to videos, meditations, sound bites, power resets and much more. You will also have access to a private community where you can get your questions answered and connect with like-minded individuals.