
As with all cards in the suit of Pentacles, the Page of Pentacles represents earthly desires related to money, career, investments, businesses, education, and physical health. Good news in earthly matters, solid beginnings, setting goals, developing a plan, laying the foundations, taking advantage of opportunities, jumping in, consistency, excellent prospects, excelling in or seeking education/training, ambitions, decide what you want and go for it, grounded person, loyal, faithful, dependable, healthy lifestyle, Tarot, divination, earth magic, nature.

Pages are also known as the messengers – he delivers a message, a positive one, that represents a solid beginning of some sort. He spells success, but only if you stay focused and grounded in what you are setting out to achieve. negative events or emotions?

If the Page of Pentacles has appeared in your reading, it is a time to be led by both practicality and integrity. The Page of Pentacles tells you that you have all that it takes to manifest your dreams and spells success, but only if you stay focused and grounded in what you are setting out to achieve.

Make sure you have a clear plan for achieving your dreams and stay grounded. This will help you to look for the next realistic and achievable step forward. Your practical approach and common sense will lead you to a solution that works.

  • Make your dreams a reality by getting the ball rolling – what is your greatest desire? Focus only on this and match action with your vision;
  • Take a realistic approach to any new ventures, use common sense;
  • Avoid the temptation to daydream – if financial security is to be yours, you must concentrate on what works;
  • Draw to you what you need. You can manifest all of your desires through focused effort;
  • Stick to your commitments and prove yourself dependable if you are looking to move up in the ranks. Only those considered trustworthy will find far-reaching success.
  • Are you paying attention to your body and mind as well as you should? If you are struggling with your physical or mental health, it may be because of neglect.
  • Now is the time to figure out how to fully focus on yourself first, before attempting to care for anyone else. Ask for what you need, take time to practice self-care, and focus on health and vitality first. Loyalty to one’s self is always needed.
  • Are your goals realistic or are you living your life with your head in the clouds? Are you or someone in your life procrastinating or failing to follow through with important things because attention is elsewhere? If so, it is time to get things back on track.


  • Root chakra
  • Earthy stones like jasper, agate, amber, petrified wood, and malachite
  • Metal and wood objects
  • Green or brown candle
  • Plants and flowers
  • Direction North
  • Stimulate earth energy: spend time in nature, garden, add plants to your living space, eat warmly and hearty foods, or do a root chakra meditation

Happy Spring!
