
This month’s topic of using Moonstone to nourish your Lightbody HIW flows seamlessly from last month’s post (Awakening Your Inner Light), where I chose to feel into the “Light Body” as a means of shining our light out into the world. If we are to shine our light we need to care for and nourish that which shines. In this way, we might polish the mirrors on a lighthouse light so it can do the job, so we need to nourish/polish our physical body.

>>Related Reading: Healing from the Outside-In Part 5: Physical Wellness

It’s essential to treat our body as a temple to house the god spark, this consciousness having a human experience, holding the vibrational space for the light body. Nutrition is obviously vital. Good nutrition is crucial, both nourishing and restorative, for the physical body and all that we expect it to do and be.  Where the gifts from Gaia can help in improving the assimilation of food generally and the minerals, vitamins, and trace elements to maximize their efficacy.

>>Read HIW’s Nourishing Your Light Body: Holistic Nutrition for Star Seed

The stone I’ve chosen this month promotes the absorption of nutrients from food in addition to all its other amazing properties:

Moonstone – Stone of new beginnings. Strongly connected to the moon, reminding us everything is part of a cycle. Soothes emotional instability. It balances male-female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side. Great antidote for overly macho male or aggressive female energies. It helps the digestive system, assimilation of nutrients, & elimination of toxins. Linked to the pineal gland, balances the hormonal system. Powerfully affects female reproductive cycles. Helps with menstrual-related dis-ease & tension.  (See the Moonstone piece on this page.)

Here’s a shortened list of stones to help with nutrition generally and vitamins specifically:

  • Carnelian – Full of life force & vitality. Stimulates metabolism. Improves absorption of vitamins & minerals.
  • Chalcedony – Powerful cleanser. It improves mineral absorption & combats mineral build-up in veins. Increases physical energy, balances body, mind, & spirit.
  • Chlorite – Powerful, positive healing stone. Assists in the elimination of toxins & assimilation of Vitamins A & E, iron, magnesium & calcium. Encourages proliferation of helpful bacteria.
  • Galena – Stone of Harmony bringing balance on all levels, physical, etheric, & spiritual. Reduces inflammation. Increases assimilation of selenium & zinc. Beneficial for hair.
  • Garnet – Powerfully energizing & regenerative stone. Cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. Assists in the assimilation of minerals & vitamins. Grossularite Garnet – Vitamin A.
  • Idocrase (Vesuvianite) – Provides a link to the higher self & info it offers to the soul in incarnation. Assists assimilation of nutrients from food. It can restore a sense of smell.
  • Apache Tear Obsidian – Form of Black Obsidian but gentler! Enhances assimilation of Vitamins C & D & removes toxins.
  • Pietersite – Stimulates the pituitary gland, balancing the endocrine system and hormone production that govern metabolism, blood pressure, and temperature. It also promotes the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Sardonyx – Stone of strength & protection. Regulates fluids & cell metabolism, strengthens the immune system, aids absorption of nutrients & elimination of waste products.
  • Imperial Topaz – Acts like a battery and recharges spiritually & physically. Can regenerate cellular structures, beneficial for nervous exhaustion & insufficient combustion of nutrients.
  • Tiger Iron—It works with the blood to balance red/white cell count and eliminate toxins. It also aids in the assimilation of B Vitamins.
  • Turquoise – A most efficient healer, provides soul solace and bodily well-being. Strengthens meridians & subtle energy fields. Supports nutrient assimilation.

A final thought: Do your body a favor and buy the best possible quality natural food your budget will allow. 

Love & blessings til next time. J
Beads of Light – JanetEdkins.com
“Created with love, infused with energy”
Metaphysical crystal information courtesy of Judy Hall.

Janet Edkins Creates – Beads of Light Collection.
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