Releasing Stuck Emotions (Sacral Chakra)
Fear & Anger & Grief, Oh My!
My old “glass half empty” narrative kicked in as soon as I started thinking about this topic. My assumptions here are that being “stuck” is a negative thing and therefore that the emotions being assumed are also negative, this is where I’m going…
- Figure out the emotion or feeling.
- Figure out if I’m stuck; wallowing, replaying, victim mode, overthinking
- Releasing – wait, what?
“What if I like being stuck?”
If enjoy being stuck, my advice is – DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT, pick up either black obsidian or rhodochrosite! Both are well known for bringing your stuff up to the surface for processing, in the case of obsidian think volcano and eruptions!
- Black Obsidian – Forces facing up to one’s true self, delving deep into the subconscious to bring up imbalances & shadow qualities for release. Magnifies negative energies to be fully experienced.
- Rhodochrosite – A stone that insists you face the truth about yourself & others, without excuses or evasion but with loving awareness.
So, you might be wondering why I didn’t choose either of these stones for highlighting this month. Both would be useful for the topic, absolutely, and rhodochrosite has many other beautiful and loving pink ray qualities. However, even if you are ready, I would hesitate to use either to precipitate release on your own, without the support and guidance of a loving practitioner or partner.
Where I’ve found myself is in need of building other internal resources in order to get ready, to become ready, to release stuck, negative emotions that no longer serve me.
Acceptance, Belief & Trust, Oh yes!
That’s where I want to be and the stone for this month can get me there.
Labradorite – Bringer of light. Highly mystical & protective. Deflects unwanted energies & prevents energy leakage. Forms barrier to negative energies shed during therapy. Raises consciousness, connects with universal energies, & grounds spiritual energies. Brings messages from the unconscious & facilitates understanding. Banishes fears, insecurities, & debris from past disappointments, including those from past lives. Strengthens faith & trust in self & the universe. Removes other people’s projections. Calms an overactive mind. Useful companion through change imparting strength & perseverance.
Stones to help with Fear, Anger & Grief:
Moss agate, amethyst, azurite, apophyllite, mangano (pink) calcite, charoite, idocrase, jet, magnetite, onyx, smoky quartz, rhodochrosite, sugilite.
- Amethyst Stalactite
- Charoite
- Smoky Quartz Pendulum
Acceptance and Trust are Straightforward:
Angelite, anhydrite, aragonite, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysanthemum stone, chrysoprase, cinnabar, obsidian, prehnite, rhyolite sodalite, variscite.
- Angelite
- Carnelian & Sunstone
- Blue Chalcedony
Belief is maybe not so clear cut for a quick crystal prescription. Connect with the Holistic Wellness Revolution – Carolyn has some specific guidance that has helped me greatly with this.
We are all a Work in Progress
It’s obvious to anyone who knows me personally that I hold all this old stuff I’m still carrying around in my sacral chakra. What can I say – I’m a work in progress. If you are looking to open, align or spin up your sacral chakra you might want to look for some chrysoprase, mahogany obsidian, cherry opal, red tourmaline or tangerine quartz.
So. Many. Emotions.
Final thought this month: Did you know there’s a huge list of emotions – 57? So many different names, words, and descriptions for all that goes on inside. I’ve found in myself & others that these mostly go unnamed, nebulous, maybe even unnoticed, just sitting somewhere, like your stomach or gut, hips, knees, or neck.
I googled “list of emotions” and found lots of info including these two that I found very informative:
Big Feels and How to Talk About Them by Healthline
List of Emotions by Therapist Aid
Beads of Light –
“Created with love, infused with energy”
All crystal information courtesy of Judy Hall.
Janet Edkins Creates – Beads of Light Collection.
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