Hello dear friends,
Today’s topic from HIW brings two very important aspects together, stress relief and balance. Each can be pursued and obtained separately obviously, but a marriage of the two provides lasting benefit. It’s far easier for me to be less stressed when I’m energetically in balance and calm, and easier to feel balanced when not in a state of stress. I’m sure I’m preaching to the crowd 😊
There’s an added dimension of stress for Starseeds. These stem mostly from feelings of not being ‘home,’ not feeling as though we belong, and generalized feelings of confusion. When we add these feelings to the current tumult and chaos of daily life, I’m feeling everyone could do with a little boost.
Today I’ve chosen a type of stone that can support anyone and everyone. You’ll notice I’ve used the term Jaspers – plural. That’s because there are dozens of different types of Jasper, in many colors and styles, found worldwide:
Jaspers – Known as “Supreme Nurturers,” sustain & support during times of stress, bringing tranquility & wholeness. Offer protection & energy grounding for the body. Absorb negative energies, cleanse & align the chakras & the aura. Balance yin-yang energies & align physical, emotional, & mental bodies with the etheric realm. Can impart determination, bringing courage to get to grips with problems assertively. Encourage honesty with the self. Support during necessary conflict. Can re-energize the body & unify all aspects of our lives. Help us be less judgmental, reminding us to help each other.
Pic is a stunning “Statement” piece of Ocean Jasper.
A few more beautiful stones to help with stress and energetic balance:
- Blue Lace Agate – Soft energy is cooling & calming bringing peace of mind. Great nurturing & supportive stone. Peaceful energies counteract mental stress. Counteracts blocked self-expression.
- Amethyst – Extremely powerful & protective stone. Natural tranquilizer. Helps us feel less scattered & more focused. Balances highs & lows promoting emotional centering.
- Aquamarine – Calming energy reduces stress & quiets the mind. Overcomes judgementalism & supports during overwhelm. Aligns physical & spiritual bodies.
- Charoite – Stone of Transformation, a soul stone that overcomes fear. Reduces stress & worry. Aids in coping with enormous change at the spiritual level. Grounds spiritual self into everyday reality.
- Garnet – Revitalizes, purifies & balances energy bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Alleviates emotional disharmony.
- Green Aventurine – Comforter & heart healer, general harmonizer. Dissolves negative emotions & thoughts. All round healer brings well-being & emotional calm. Can diffuse negative situations.
- Howlite – Extremely calming stone, allows for reasoned communication. Under the pillow is excellent antidote to insomnia from overactive mind. Absorbs anger. Helps us overcome criticalness & selfishness.
- Lapis Lazuli – Quickly releases stress bringing deep peace. Possess enormous serenity. Harmonizes physical, emotional, mental & spiritual levels and energies. Encourages self-awareness & self-expression.
- Onyx – Provides support in difficult times, strength giving at times of mental or physical stress. Centering & aligning energy, aligning to higher power, accessing higher guidance. Mental tonic alleviates fears & worries.
- Pietersite – Reminds us we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Has the ability to ground you to your etheric body.* Said to dispel the illusion of separateness, removing imposed beliefs & conditioning, aiding recognition of personal inner guidance.
- Selenite – Fine vibration, aids clarity of mind & access to higher guidance. Helps anchor the light body to earth vibration. Calming stones, instills deep peace. Assists with judgement & insight.
- Hawks Eye (Blue Tiger Eye) – Calming stone, releases stress. Aids the overanxious, quick-tempered & phobic. Tiger Eye generally is balancing, enhances practical perception. Balances Yin/Yang energies & the emotional body.
- Amethyst
- Aquamarine
- Charoite
- Garnet
- Howlite
- Lapis Lazuli
A final thought: Stop watching the news. I know that seems a bit radical BUT! I keep up to date without a TV. I can be informed without engaging with the churn, tumult, trash talk, and chaos, which is what news organizations want. They want your engagement, which they keep with “outrage” to sell advertising. Be aware and avoid the drama. Detach with love and, if you have to, just detach. Call me if you an ear to vent, my couch is free, kettle can be switched on for a cuppa in a minute. 🙏
Love & blessings til next time. J
Beads of Light – JanetEdkins.com
“Created with love, infused with energy”
Metaphysical crystal information courtesy of Judy Hall.
Janet Edkins Creates – Beads of Light Collection.
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