
As many others before her, Sarah Maslia Galambos’ journey into Reiki manifested after a difficult life experience forced her to take a soul-searching look at her life and where she was going. A divorce after a 20-year marriage left her with fresh wounds as she carried the toxic burdens of shame, self-doubt and victimhood.

Sarah valued herself enough to realize that wallowing in these burdens wouldn’t serve her, or others, so she took the fortuitous path to life coaching that gave her the necessary tools to uncover core wounds and release the bindings that prevented her from closing that chapter of her life. She says the most difficult part of this progression was overcoming the victim mentality and accepting responsibility for her own choices made and the circumstances that evolved from those choices. It is so easy to blame other people, places and things and continue the trap of ‘addiction to the story.’ Sarah took the long, difficult road that enabled her to take radical responsibility for her own life and amplify her own higher vibrations so she could practice forgiveness and gratitude while making peace with the past and learning to live in the present.

Her determination not to take her old baggage into a new relationship helped her recognize when old behaviors would appear. As she became more self aware, a natural evolution in her healing helped Sarah to heed Reiki’s calling and guided her to create a non negotiable daily practice of Conscious Connection to Source. Sarah feels much more in flow when she consistently loves and cares for her mind, body, spirit and emotions. She realizes real healing took place when she began to treat herself as she would a Reiki client and do the work needed to live her soul’s purpose, shine the light and be a guide for others.

Sarah knows she is on the right path. She has had many experiences that let her know she is right where she needs to be. One such moment was with her husband, who has occasional heart arrhythmia. His heart has had the occasion to go out of rhythm, usually he can right the situation with deep breaths, but this instance he could not, he was gasping for breath. In one quick moment, Sarah had him lay his head on her lap as she focused her energy through her hands on his crown and his heart. Immediately his heart went into a normal pattern and he exclaimed, “You did that, you healed me!” Not only did this quiet her Debbie Doubter, it confirmed her path.

As Sarah continues to improve her skills and serve others in the same positive way she served her own self, she still encounters the loud noises that can drown out your goals if you let them. Her most difficult hurdles at this time in her journey are staying true to herself, her goals and have faith, courage and discipline to follow the plan she feels God has given her. She knows He has been beside her through many dark nights with a purpose for her to embody a higher level of awareness so she may create community connections and lead others into higher versions of themselves. Showing up daily to be of service to others in finding their true north, whether it’s breaking free of the corporate world; addressing core wounds & toxic shame; or helping client’s move away from daily medications, gives Sarah a true feeling of success and joy.

The future is bright for Sarah as she makes plans to usher in the New Earth paradigm through her wellness practice. With a loving heart, she authentically serves as many as she can. She doesn’t take these steps alone, though. Her driving force is God, with many angelic companions along the way. If she was to give one piece of advice to those reading this, it would be to create and maintain a daily practice. Make an intentional effort to consistently establish a conscious connection with your Higher Power. Whether journaling, meditating or praying, or practicing yoga~pick things you will commit to doing every day. Take 10 minutes or 2 hours, but commit to it daily and you will see doors open and magic unfold.

If you would like Sarah to serve you in helping to create a life you love living, you can go to her website: www.uniquewellnessstudios.com or email her at sarah@sarahmaslia.com.