
Although Fabienne was raised ‘across the pond,’ and like many of us in the holistic world, she had a constant questioning and openness to there being more out there spiritually than what typical religious dogmas had to share.  However, while most of us share that sense of more, we often face the challenge of breaking the cycle of what has been ingrained in us since childhood, passed down from generation to generation.  Fabienne did not have that bond to break and speaks of the gratitude she has for her parents.  They provided a uniquely fertile environment for discovery of what she, and her two siblings, were attracted to on their own, without forcing historically ingrained beliefs on them.  Children often view their world through limitless lenses with no thought as to what CAN’T be done.  The upbringing Fabienne experienced allowed that limitless view to thrive and created a quiet easiness for transcending beyond the everyday and into the realm of angels.

As a young lady in The Netherlands, Fabienne would accompany her mother when she visited a friend who could read cards.  The accuracy of these readings blew her mind, and soon she was so intrigued by the practice that she decided to take a course on reading Lenormand cards herself.  Unknowingly, this door would open up Fabienne’s path into the angel world.  As she took the classes, she met a fellow student who worked with angels and encouraged her to read a book he felt had a vibration (frequency) that she would resonate with.

At the time, Fabienne had no idea what that meant.  However, she followed the advice and read the book ‘The Golden Promise’ by Ronna Herman Vezane.  At one point, she was thumbing through the pages and she connected one particular passage about Archangel Michael so emotionally that she knew she couldn’t veer off the path of angels, even if she wanted to.  It was written in her stars to be guided, and then guide others, on the work of angels.

After much self-education, including taking all of Ronna’s Quest for Mastery (QFM) classes, Fabienne eventually attended one of Ronna’s classes in Sacramento, CA and met Ronna and Randy Monk (A leader in QFM education). The connection was immediate and led her to share their work in Europe, where she certified others in QFM.

Fabienne’s love goes deep for Archangel Michael as she experienced difficult times in her life where she had to call on him for assistance.  As the patron of security and protection, she sensed an ease that came from the trust his protection offered.  She knew he would see her safely through the tumultuous times.

She is not the only one who has been affected by the positive guidance of angels.  Among many stories, she has, one of her favorites is of a friend that she assisted through a difficult time using the pyramids of light in the 5th dimension.  This is a technique that allows you to meditate into a higher-level so you can address the issues you may have with others, invite them in to a ‘round table’ all the while under the guidance of the angels, using tools and techniques to work out differences on a different playing field.

Sometimes people attend Fabienne’s seminars because they are seeking a connection with the angelic realm, other times they are simply wanting to add to their arsenal of knowledge.  Fabienne insists that merely attending a class is not a magic potion, you will have to do the work. A regular meditation practice and constant loving personal assessment will keep you on the the highest road and path of light.

Archangel Michael’s teachings are just one way of finding balance, growing spiritually and increasing your frequency.   The decision to find what resonates with you and make your spiritual growth a priority will serve you well.  Regardless of spiritual leanings, angels are non-denominational and many are mentioned in several teachings.  So, while you may not be able to see them, the angels are certainly there.

If you are looking to experience what Fabienne’s QFM classes have to offer, or simply want to know how to find this balance through angels, Fabienne would be happy to help guide you on your journey to being your best possible self.  Fabienne is aware that there are many things in people’s belief systems that do not belong to them, that sometimes things are messy, and if you are willing to do the work, your angels are right there for you to help untangle the knots to make way for a life that is comforting and warm, like the hint of a soft summer breeze kissing your face on a sunny spring day.