June 2020. A powerful month. A month of eclipses. YES, 3! What is it that you need to do? I know I’ve been asking that question and the answer for the most part have been ground and hydrate. There are many ways to achieve being grounded, my ‘go to’ is always beautiful stones/crystals.
I have found that most black stones have some element of grounding & not everyone likes to wear black. Here are some others you may not be as familiar with for grounding:
Fire Agate • Strong grounding + Protective against ill wishes
Bloodstone • Grounding + Allows knowing chaos precedes transformation
Smoky Quartz • Grounding spiritual energy + Gently neutralizing negative vibrations
Tourmalinated Quartz • Effective grounding + Strengthens energy field against external invasion
Birthstones • Ground and amplify celestial energies
With love & blessings. Janet Edkins / Beads of Light – www.JanetEdkins.com